Portfolio > Megalith Machine Series

The Megalith Machine series created at the Frans Masreel Centrum (April – March 2014) is a body of screenprinted work that explores ideas of technology through examining, utilizing and appropriating aspects and diagrams from user guides, assembly and operation instructions and parts lists. The prints depict completely fictional machines akin to a kind of mechanical Frankenstein as each machine is made from disconnected objects such as a hose, dusting brush, crevice tool, pins, wheel, spindles, base, surface plates, cradles, generators, engines, pumps, fans, spinners, burners, furnaces, wheels etc. (all seen separated in the Parts of the Megalith Machines diptych). Together the parts and the depiction of the parts/machine in the prints attempt to elicit a kind of intrigue and flights of imagination of the parts and their relation to the whole and the purpose of such megalithic machines.

Megalith Machine 465394
Megalith Machine 465394
22”w x 15”h